Dusk Workweek Amsterdam 2023

Dusk Workweek October 2023

This post comes to you live from the Dusk Work Week. 

This week the whole company has gathered in Amsterdam to work together in-person and prepare for the launch of mainnet next year. 

We are a remote company so these opportunities to meet in real life are vitally important for the company, and facilitate conversations, discussions, decisions, and work that are hard to do remotely. 

Some key activities have included: 

  • Discussions and optimizations on important deliverables for mainnet
  • Business meetings with senior team members and (potential) partners
  • Skillshare sessions on topics ranging from circuits to hacking
  • Content creation like video recordings to be released later in the year

We also welcomed two new team members who will be focusing on Rusk and front-end work respectively, (look out for more info on who they are and what they’ll be doing in a later post) and they were able to join us in person and hit the ground running. 


One of the biggest standouts of the week has been how much everyone cares about Dusk’s mission to be the interoperable layer for the financial system, and through privacy and compliance to bring real-world assets to everyone’s wallet. We have an incredibly diverse group of people from all over the world gathered, from veteran software engineers to cryptographers to PR, who are all motivated by having the opportunity to use their skills to realize Dusk’s vision. 

I think everyone is incredibly proud to have the opportunity to work on such innovative technology that has such strong use cases. Our engineers are working to solve not only blockchain-specific problems, but issues that affect the entire financial services industry, and by extension people all over the world. 

They are being tasked with creating a protocol that meets so many needs and requirements at the same time; that is decentralized, that is private and compliant, can handle real-world assets, puts users in control of their own data, and allows institutions to offload their technology needs to Dusk. No other blockchain is working at this scale or to solve these problems. 

Right now everyone is working towards mainnet, but mainnet is just the beginning of having a game-changing impact on the financial industry and bringing sorely needed improvements and innovation to the way finance is done.


It is a pleasure to see so many smart and determined colleagues in person, and I’m looking forward to sharing more content from the workweek, as well as the powerful results of getting so many smart people together in a room!