Catch Up with Dusk: In Case You Missed It

Catch Up With Dusk

Last week was a busy week for talks, with CEO Emanuele Francioni joining Hacken auditing firm to speak about Proof of Personhood, and an internal discussion and explainer session led by Community Manager Fahad Rana, and featuring developers Hein Dauven and Eduardo Leegwater Simões.

Proof of Personhood with Emanuele

You can listen to the recording here

If the topic of Proof of Personhood is of interest to you, check out Emanuele’s thoughts, along with one of Hacken’s key auditors, and their ideas on the topic, and how it relates to Dusk, blockchain, security and DeFi. 

Emanuele spoke about:

  • What is “proof of personhood”? (And what is a “person” to begin with)
  • What are potential risks associated with this
  • The importance of being able to revoke permission
  • Citadel and how it works
  • General questions about Dusk

If you’re interested in security in general, we also hosted Stefan Beyer from Oak Security on our podcast the Internet of Assets, where Ryan King and Stefan spoke in depth about security and auditing. You can listen to that here on Spotify. 

Community call with Fahad, Ed, and Hein

Next up we had an internal community call with Fahad, Ed, and Hein, where the community and team were able to hangout and discuss the topic of how to run a node and smart contract on Dusk.

Both of these are really key topics so this explainer is great for anyone who wants to be involved in the Dusk blockchain, either as a node runner to validate and secure the network, or as a developer and deploying smart contracts. 

It was great to see so many members of the community engage, and having the developers explain and showcase their work is always enlightening!

If you’re interested in the technical perspective and want to understand more about what is being worked out, check out the replay here

We hope you enjoy all these things to listen to!