Expanding The Team Welcome Norton, Simon, and Thomas!

A banner showing the pictures of the three new team members

Finishing the year strong, we are pleased to introduce you to three new team members who joined Dusk recently. We have two additions to the tech team and one addition to the corporate team. 

Due to the timing of the workweek, our new hires were able to meet their teams in person for their onboarding, and have been able to hit the ground running, already making great contributions towards our roadmap deliverables

Thomas joins our backend development team

Backend Developer Thomas Bäcker. 

Thomas pursued a degree in Business Informatics, which is a hybrid degree combining the disciplines of Business and Computer Science. After university, his interest in business and computer science led him to be self-employed, working on a variety of projects and in different industries. As a software engineer his focus has been on smart contracts and financial applications.

Thanks to his diverse background and interests, Dusk proved to be a great choice for Thomas, allowing him to explore many interests and skill sets. On joining us, he says “As a person who is passionate about a variety of topics including Finance and Computer Science, Dusk was a perfect fit combining Science, Tech, Finance, and Privacy. Therefore I'm able to leverage my skill set beyond the role of a software developer and am happy to contribute to Dusk’s mission”.

Joining the frontend development team, Norton

Frontend Developer Norton Andreev

Next up, we have Norton Andreev. 

Norton is originally from Bulgaria, but has spent the last six years in the UK. 

He started designing user experiences at the age of 11 and graduated as a software engineer from the University of Sheffield in 2021 with the greatest distinction. He has worked on the Boeing 777X project at GE Aviation as a firmware engineer, and more recently, was a Product Front End Engineer at Couchbase where he designed and developed features for the company’s DBaaS solution.

After working at such big organizations, Norton is excited for the challenge and opportunity that comes with working at a smaller scale-up like Dusk, sharing I decided to move to Dusk, as I wanted to try a smaller-sized company where my contributions would count even more. Furthermore, I think Dusk is a great opportunity with a lot of potential as the products utilize innovative, research-backed technologies”.

Simon is joining our corporate team

Business Controller Simon Verbraak

Finally, to complete our trio, we have Simon Verbraak, who joins as a business controller. A born and bred (and a little bit proud) Dutchman, Simon is currently studying and living in the beautiful city of Rotterdam. Simon has experience working in accounting, and will be studying a Masters Degree in Supply Chain Management. 

He is happy to have joined Dusk, saying “I think Dusk is a really welcoming and nice workspace. Even though the entire tech side never ceases to amaze me, I'm trying to understand it step by step. Learning as we go. That's something I really like here at Dusk, it's not just working but also learning and gaining new skills. The company is so versatile, I'm not just learning things in college but also here at work”.

Please join us in welcoming our latest hires to the team! 

Join Dusk

Want to join the team? We’re always on the lookout for talented people in tech and non-tech roles. Check out our Careers page and see if there’s anything that fits your skillset. 

Don't see a job for you but want to be part of the community? Join our Discord and follow us on Twitter/X to be part of what we're doing!