Welcome to Dusk Emanuele Carboni

Dusk is please to welcome Emanuele Carboni as our new CMO

Introducing Our New CMO, Emanuele Carboni

Some of you might have noticed a new name in the Discord and a new face in photos. Who is this mystery man?

Today, I’m pleased to officially introduce you to Emanuele Carboni, and tell you more about who he is, why he’s involved with Dusk, and why now was the right time for him to come out from behind-the scenes. 

Emanuele, a self-described "serial entrepreneur, strategic board member, and investor" was an early investor in Dusk.

He’s been a very good friend of co-founders Emanuele Francioni and Fulvio Venturelli for years, and has been attached to Dusk for a long time, and today we are thrilled to introduce him as our new Chief Marketing Officer and board member.

A Duskie from the beginning!

Emanuele is no stranger to Dusk and he’s been involved behind-the-scenes for some time. His journey with us began as an early investor, and someone who saw potential in our vision when we were taking our initial steps, and who was interested in using Dusk to power his own long-running real-estate business. 

He saw that blockchain would be a key technology in the future, and believed in Emanuele Francioni as a person who had the vision and technical know-how to create something valuable, useful, and worth being part of. 

Emanuele Francioni and Emanuele Carboni in 2019
Emanuele Carboni and Emanuele Francioni in 2019, pictured with their proof-of-steak

From an Investor to an Integral Team and Board Member

Reflecting on his early belief in Dusk, Emanuele Carboni says "I always believed Dusk was more than just another blockchain. It’s one of the only - if not the only - blockchains capable of onboarding the huge market of traditional finance. I saw Dusk as being able to provide a solution to the inefficiencies in finance, and I wanted to be part of it” 

Emanuele Carboni brings with him a wealth of experience, having founded and exited the largest gaming platform in Italy. His digital marketing agencies have been game-changers, creating strategies that have generated hundreds of millions for clients. This isn't just experience; it's a track record of excellence and success in scaling companies and growing them to dominate their industry.

As our new CMO Emanuele will lead the push to make Dusk a recognized name in decentralized and traditional finance, while as a board member he will work closely to make key decisions, advise on strategy, and be the non-technical, more business-focused member of the board.

He is also a seasoned investor, making sizable, multi-million dollar investments in companies like Google and Meta, to name a few. 


Emanuele and Yvo during the October 2023 Workweek
Discussing plans during the recent workweek in Amsterdam, Oct 2023

Why Emanuele Carboni, Why Now?

You might be wondering, why Emanuele and why now? 

Now is the perfect time for Emanuele to take on a more operational role, both for us and him. 

As we edge closer to launching our mainnet, we find ourselves in need of someone who not only understands marketing but who understands Dusk, and who is able to make Dusk the go-to protocol for the $100+ trillion dollar securities market. 

Emanuele's expertise in digital marketing, scaling businesses, and taking a big market share is unparalleled, and his connection to our core values makes him the perfect fit for us. With so many successful ventures and companies to his name, he’s seen it all. Succeeding in some of the most competitive industries around, he knows marketing and business inside out. 

So, we are incredibly happy to have him join us at this significant and important point in our journey. We want everyone to know about Dusk, and Emanuele is the man to make that happen. 

Having dominated the gaming industry in Italy, and with so much experience across different business sectors, Emanuele knows what institutions need, what the press needs, and what retail investors need, and is skilled at communicating the complexity but also the value of Dusk to different people. 

Emanuele himself was looking for a new challenge. Having comfortably retired a few years ago, he found himself missing the dynamism and challenges of the business world. "I realized retirement wasn't for me. I need the challenge and the fight that marketing brings, so when Emanuele Francioni suggested to me that I take on the role of CMO I was excited," he shared with me.


Emanuele Francioni and Emanuele Carboni cafe
Two Emanueles are better than one


CEO Emanuele Francioni says “I am excited to have one of my most trusted friends and advisors working with me, side-by-side to bring the Dusk vision to fruition. I have known Emanuele for many years, and value his perspective and experience. He brings shrewd business acumen, the willingness to take risks, and enthusiasm for numbers. He is what we need at this point in our journey, and I hope you’ll join me in welcoming him to the team”.

Welcome aboard, Emanuele. Here's to new beginnings and to writing a future that's as dynamic and successful as your past!